Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cracked Pot for Jesus

Every time I have said "I will never, ever do that" I am sure I cause my Lord in heaven to smile. For every single time I have said the words: "I will never, ever do that" I end up doing the very thing I said I would never, ever do. The most recent never, ever - "I will never, ever blog," and here I am blogging. [I think I caused my Lord to smile!]

And so what am I blogging about? Him, My Lord ...no one better to blog about then Jesus :)

I love Jesus ... and loving Him is even only possible because He first loved me. Jesus is my King, the center of the universe. Everything revolves around Him. He created us all for the very purpose of "blogging" about Him. Revelation 4:11 states "...thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." And so my blogs will be about Him!

My Lord Jesus left the earth after his resurrection, entrusting His glorious Gospel message to those He loves [me being one of them]. He said: "Go...and make disciples." It is as if the Lord Jesus said: "You, you.....[not the angels who are willing, who long to do so], but you, Barbara 'Go.' And to make sure you understand I really mean -- you, I state it in the imperative. Don't say 'I will never, ever do that', for it is my wonderful command to you. I could have commanded the angels, but I chose you." Amazing!

Amazing that He put this great "treasure", the message of salvation and the glorious results, in common pots of clay a/k/a cracked pots [2 Corinthians 4:7]. Mere mortals [by the way called His "ambassadors"] get to obey His command. Just call me a "Cracked Pot" for Jesus!

There is another "never, ever" I did not say, but am tempted to say to my Lord Jesus....but that's my next blog.


Brenda said...

Great post mom!! I'll be reading them when you post again :)

Rachel said...

All I can say is, it's about time! : )

Connie said...

Welcome to Blog-ville Barbara...you are a most welcome addition!

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